Tuesday, March 27, 2012


1.4 billion and growing merrily taking our daily life day in and day out without any big hassles, whatever our profession may be, right from an entrepreneur to a salaried person, we do have a peaceful life.  Yes, we do have our struggles, fights, targets, dissatisfactions and of course sacrifices, but all these limits to an individual or a family. A sacrifice done within the family is a rare occurrence in today’s world, and where is the possibility to talk about sacrifices done outside our doors or to strangers. . .

But we all know about a stranger who was doing, is doing and will do in the future for his family, friends and most importantly his STRANGERS. Guarding this beautiful country against all forms of threats is not a simple deed. When I mentioned threats; it includes extreme weather conditions, infiltrations and most deadly one – our corrupted politicians. And our STRANGER does this for 365 days/ 24 hours to ensure that his country, countrymen have a great peaceful life with their loved ones. But I am not sure whether we have these humanitarian qualities towards our friends, family and neighbors, sometimes I am scared the blissful purpose of our STRANGER may get defeated. . .

Today’s incident, March 27, 2012 killing of 13 CRPF jawans by naxals made me cry for the nth time, as this is an never ending story as of date, and our corrupted nethas still keep discussing on how to cover up this issue. Please………..take a bold stand and put an end to this cowardly act of naxals before we could lose more STRANGERS . . . it would take hours for my STRANGERS to finish off these naxal B*******, please give them the signal for cleanup.
My deepest condolences to the respective families who have given heroes to this nation knowing that their loss would be impeccable!!!


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